Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 213/167
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 213/167 Preis
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Chart lädt...
- Karte: Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex
- Kartennummer: 213/167
- Set: Twilight Masquerade
- Release:
- Sprache: Englisch
- Seltenheit: Special illustration rare
- Typ: Water
- Leben: 210 HP
- Stage: Basic
- Regulation Marker: H
Attacken & Fähigkeiten
- Sob
- 20 Schaden
- During your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat.
- Kosten:
- Colorless
- Torrential Pump
- 100 Schaden
- You may shuffle 3 Energy attached to this Pokémon into your deck. If you do, this attack also does 120 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
- Kosten:
- Water
- Colorless
- Colorless
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