Neutralization Zone 060/64

Englisch Neutralization Zone 060/64 Preis

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  • Karte: Neutralization Zone
  • Kartennummer: 060/64
  • Set: Shrouded Fable
  • Release:
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seltenheit: ACE SPEC Rare
  • Regulation Marker: H

Attacken & Fähigkeiten

    • Stadium
      • Prevent all damage done to Pokémon that don't have a Rule Box (both yours and your opponent's) by attacks from the opponent's Pokémon ex and Pokémon V. (Pokémon ex, Pokémon V, etc. have Rule Boxes.) This card can't be put into your hand or deck from the discard pile.

    Produkte in dem du Neutralization Zone 060/64 ziehen kannst
