Tyme 143/131

Englisch Tyme 143/131 Preis

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  • Karte: Tyme
  • Kartennummer: 143/131
  • Set: Prismatic Evolutions
  • Release:
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seltenheit: Ultra Rare
  • Regulation Marker: H

Attacken & Fähigkeiten

    • Supporter
      • Tell your opponent the name of a Pokémon in your hand and put that Pokémon face down in front of you. Your opponent guesses that Pokémon's HP, and then you reveal it. If your opponent guessed right, they draw 4 cards. If they guessed wrong, you draw 4 cards. Then, return the Pokémon to your hand.

    Produkte in dem du Tyme 143/131 ziehen kannst
